Dec 22, 2008 | guitar, lapsteel, loops, MP3, percussion, piano, recording, solo Play in new window | Download in the form of At-The-Helm Episode 31. Show #31 is an all solo adventure showcasing recordings done in my home studio during 2005 and 2006. Tracks and start times are...
Nov 19, 2008 | uncategorized
….on this unseasonably warm day in November. I just wanted to say hello to everyone and let you know that Show #30 in the podcast series is almost ready for relaease. I’m behind schedule what with some technical difficulties and all but still on track...
Oct 13, 2008 | lapsteel, loops, MP3, music, percussion, piano, recording, solo, synthesizer Play in new window | Download available for your listening pleasure. This show features solo selections recorded live in the studio during 2003 and 2004. Titles and start times are as follows: 1-...
Sep 26, 2008 | lapsteel, looping, loops, MP3, music, percussion, piano, recording, solo, synthesizer, vocal Play in new window | Download …or listening as it were.Episode 28 in this series features some solo tracks recorded at home during 2002 and 2003. Titles and start times are as follows: 1-...
Sep 12, 2008 | uncategorized
… or the ” I’m not quite dead yet” memo for those of you regular readers and listeners. As usual the month of August was almost fatal but not, however it did cause a delay in the release schedule for the At-The-Helm podcast series. My apology...