At-The-Helm Episode 12 up for your listening pleasure….
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Show #12 features tracks from 1990 and 1992 that document the musical transitions that The Dozey Lumps take on to become Bindlestiff. The last 3 numbers feature a special guest in the form of either Tom Freeman on drums (Luxury Yacht) or Bill Forth on electric guitar (The Schizophonics).
1- No.17- The Dozey Lumps
2-Kevin’s House- Luxury Yacht
3-Cutting Down Trees- Luxury Yacht
4-A Chink In The Armor- The Schizophonics
I think you’ll enjoy these pieces as an insight into the musical “growing” process that we were involved with at the time. My thanks again to Tom and Bill for their participation and general good nature and to Dave for all that and more. On another light note here’s a photo of a feather from a red-tail hawk I found not long ago while out walking in the Colorado countryside. Thanks again for stopping in to check out what’s new, we are nearing the halfway point in this series soon and I appreciate your continued interest in these collected works. Have a good day!
Episode 11 of At-The-Helm now up and running…
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It’s the second show featuring the guitar duet known as the Dozey Lumps playing live in the studio circa 1992. Six pieces are featured:
1- Â Just Like Fog (Light Swaths)
2-Â Never A Dual Moment
3-Â Wistful Thinking
4-Â Mem 5 Watercan
5-Â Hole In My Head
6-Â Perelandra
Again as stated in my last blog post, for your quickest link to these podcasts go to My thanks again to Dave Stafford who engineered, produced and lent his kind permission to share the ‘Lumps” with the world. We hope you enjoy hearing this music as much as we enjoyed making it The photo today is from the early 90’s outside lovely Los Vegas Nevada in the Red Rocks BLM area, watch out for wild burros!
Some production notes on this…
sunny breezy fall sunday. Shows 11,12 and 13 are done and ready to present over the next 6 weeks or so and the music files for show #14 are also ready. For those of you keeping score at home please note that starting with Show #10 there is new intro/outro music for At-The-Helm. It’s a little solo ditty called “Funky Orbits” recorded live in the studio circa 1995 . If you haven’t heard Episode 10 yet please do give it a listen. Show #11 is scheduled for release next sunday. Â
At-The-Helm Episode 10 is now available to hear.
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This show is the first to feature the music of the Dozey Lumps, A six string steel acoustic/electric guitar duet consisting of Dave Stafford and myself playing in the New Standard Tuning. Features the following tracks recorded from 1989 to 1991
1- Languid
2- Not Bloody Likely
3- Prebendary
4- Mutant Strain
5- Caithness
6- The Canteloupe Terrain
This music was recorded live in the studio seventeen studios in southern California. It is from the CD titled “One Lump Or Two” The Dozey Lumps copyright 1999 (the world) Bryan Helm/Dave Stafford. My thanks to Dave for his engineering and musical expertise and kind permission to share these works with all of you, I hope you enjoy them. Please visit for more info. Don’t worry it’s not snowing yet but these “lumpish” looking snow covered rocks from a couple years back seemed a good image to leave you with on this beautiful fall day.  Enjoy the season.
A Partly Cloudy Quiet Sunday Morning…
to start out the fall season here. Things look good for the appearance of Episode 10 of At-The-Helm later this week, with shows 12 &13 scheduled to be recorded soon also. Thanks to those of you who have posted comments about the series, I appreciate your taking time to explore these collected works so far. Speaking of work here’s another photo from my recent outing to the antique farm equipment show. More from me soon meanwhile hope you have a good day.
A Quick Review………..
…of Episode 09 of AT-The-Helm has revealed a sharp contrast between the playback volume of the music and the spoken word segments (talk being very quiet in comparison). My apologies for this situation, it will have to stand for the time being. The matters that brought it to be are being addressed so as to avoid a repeat of the cause in the future. Thanks for your patient interest in this series.
Some Rainy Day Music…
Episode 09 of At-The-Helm is now available..
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and obviously not a moment too soon for the likes of me. This show is the first in the series to feature music used for media purposes. Tracks for computer animation and film are featured and include:
1- The Digital Sea
2- Beat The Heat
4-Elbows 2
5- Elbows Outro
This is another all solo outing featuring me on synthesizer, drum machine, guitar and effects. The recordings date from 1984-1989. I’ll try to locate some active links that feature some of these works for viewing online. Meanwhile thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy this new program of material. Here is another alpine outing photo for your amusement and be advised the Dozey Lumps are on their way in Show #10…..scheduled for recording this weekend so please stay tuned….more soon.
Hoping for Autumn………
but it still feels like summer. My apologies for the non appearance of Episode #9 of At-The-Helm last month, please rest assured it is coming very soon, along with some other good stuff I’ve been working on. Also working on the closing theme to Ian’s new short film “Omegastop” which he’s editing again now. So lots more soon. in the meantime a photo from last Friday’s outing to the antique farm equipment show. Have a good holiday folks!
Summer Heat is Back.
At least for this last Sunday in August. After hitting 100 degrees here on Tuesday of this week , I’m ready for the slide into fall next month and cooler weather. Episode 9 of At-The-Helm will hopefully materialize this week and when it does I’ll put it up pronto for all you folks hear. It will feature music done for media projects (video & film) in the 1980’s and I think you’ll enjoy soon as I can find the pesky little thing. Meanwhile here is a photo of a cloud that could bring some shade our way…or yours. Have a good day.