Title: One Lump Or Two?
1999 release 20 tracks 59 minutes 3 seconds
Track List:
A Sinister Shifting
The Cantaloupe Terrain
Just Like Fog (Light Swaths)
Shower Curtain
Never A Dual Moment
Wistful Thinking
Not Bloody Likely
Mutant Strain
No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition
Crafty Trails
Hole In My Head
Mem 5 Water Can
The Illusion of Motion
Just Like Fog(Bank)
Cutting Down Trees
Artists: Dave Stafford and Bryan Helm-The Dozey Lumps
Comments: Dave and I met at a Guitar Craft course in Malibu CA in September of 1988. Dave was attending the course and my wife and I were visiting for the day. We hadn’t been on a GC course since December of 1985 at Claymont and we were looking forward to seeing RF again and meeting Bill Forth for the first time. I saw Dave sitting outside on a bench overlooking the coastline to the north. As I recall I introduced myself and through conversation came to find out that Dave and his wife lived in the same county as we did (San Diego) although we were some distance apart. We agreed to keep in touch and possibly do some playing together in the New Standard Tuning. It was later in October when we finally did get together and play and that led to over three years of practice and performance of our collected works as the acoustic guitar duo known as The Dozey Lumps. After that electricity, looping and synthesizers transforms the Lumps into Bindlestiff during 1992, but that’s another story. The 20 tracks on this CD cover from summer of 1989 to spring of 1992 and reflect most of the tunes we did with a few exceptions. I can honestly say that the best versions of some of these tunes were played in practice and never recorded, but all of these tracks here are live to tape, and the quality of the work is I believe intact. Many thanks to Dave for compiling and cleaning up these recordings and creating this disc. My only exception is with the last track, which does not work as it should. Indeed the only recording of Cutting Down Trees that does work for me is the live version as Luxury Yacht, where we survive by the skin of our teeth and Tommy’s sticks.
Cover Art: Photo by Bob Grieser -Polymer Clay Mosaic Tile Sculpture by Bryan Helm. CD layout & graphics by Dave Stafford.
Equipment :
Ovation 1867 Acoustic Guitar
Boss CE-2 Chorus
Boss DD-2 Digital Delay
Roland GP-16 Digital Effects Processor
Digitech DSP-128 Digital Effects Processor
Recording: TEAC 3340S Reel-To-Reel ¼ Four-Track Tape Recorder
Ovation Legend Model 1867 Six String Acoustic-Electric Guitar in NST
Alesis Microverb III
Electro-Harmonix 16 Second Digital Delay