Aug 23, 2010 | recording, touring
after a month offline due to a broken laptop and then no internet access. After the jazz festival in Antibes we cruised thru Monte Carlo then back to Paris for some dates that went pretty well. Hank and Harold have done some new arrangements for this tour that are...
Jan 11, 2009 | ambient, guitar, lapsteel, looping, loops, MP3, music, percussion, recording, solo, synthesizer
Show #33 in the My Life in Sound series is the next to last in this retrospective. This time the music is again from 2005-6 and was recorded in my home studio in Colorado. Titles and start  times are as follows: 1- Omnistop Intro 00:00 2- Walk Into Town 02:54 3-...
Jan 4, 2009 | ambient, guitar, lapsteel, looping, loops, MP3, music, percussion, piano, recording, solo, synthesizer Play in new window | Download Episode 32 of At-The-Helm.This installment in the My Life in Sound series consisits of more solo work from the home studio circa 2005-6. Titles and starting times...
Dec 22, 2008 | guitar, lapsteel, loops, MP3, percussion, piano, recording, solo Play in new window | Download in the form of At-The-Helm Episode 31. Show #31 is an all solo adventure showcasing recordings done in my home studio during 2005 and 2006. Tracks and start times are...
Dec 8, 2008 | duet, guitar, MP3, music, percussion, recording, trio Play in new window | Download and it’s another collection of tunes from the BrotherSync boys. This show features  studio and live tracks as follows: 1- Wages of Sync 00:00 2-It’s A...
Oct 13, 2008 | lapsteel, loops, MP3, music, percussion, piano, recording, solo, synthesizer Play in new window | Download available for your listening pleasure. This show features solo selections recorded live in the studio during 2003 and 2004. Titles and start times are as follows: 1-...