Jul 5, 2019 | ambient, download, duet, duo, guitar, looping, loops, recording, Scorched by the Sun
eclipse by scorched by the sun
May 19, 2019 | ambient, duet, duo, guitar, looping, recording, Scorched by the Sun, video
Here’s the new video of the title track from the new Scorched By The Sun album “Eclipse” featuring Dave Stafford and Bryan Helm. Recorded during 2017 and 2018 in Scotland and...
Dec 31, 2013 | guitar, mosaics, music, recording, Scorched by the Sun, soundtrack
Before I manage to leave this year without updating you at least once again on my musical pursuits, here we go. It’s been a very busy and productive period, not without some unseen circumstances in the mix. While I was lucky enough to escape direct damage...
Aug 15, 2012 | ambient, guitar, lapsteel, loops, recording, trio
would never wake up and return to the land of Blog, Â he does. A very sincere greeting to all who read this new post. After almost exactly a year of absence from this blogging stuff, I’m back with news of some of what’s been going on in my musical neck of...
Jun 27, 2011 | guitar, looping, loops, MP3, museum, music, piano, recording, rock and roll, solo, soundtrack, Victrola
came from inside a device like this: a 1910 Victor Talking Machine with Morning Glory Horn. This particular machine is from the collection featured in the Dougherty Museum located 1 mile south of Longmont Colorado on State Route 287. I’ve been meaning to visit...
Sep 8, 2010 | ambient, London, music, recording, touring
but due to ship out tomorrow. The recording sessions went well and we picked up a gig last weekend at the Bulls Head Pub where I saw Barbara Thompson and her band back in the summer of 1978. It’s still a really small place. Both Hank and Harold have been...