Aug 13, 2007 | guitar, music, recording, synthesizer
is now available online for your listening pleasure, it’s titled “Idylls of the King” and dates from 1988. The piece is a four track work with me on electric guitar, synth, and drumbox/effects. On the update list: Episode #9 of At-The-Helm is in the...
Jul 27, 2007 | ambient, guitar, looping, MP3, music, recording, synthesizer Play in new window | Download Yes at last the fabled Show#8 is up for your listening pleasure. It is another all solo outing from me in the third show of the California period featuring...
Jul 26, 2007 | ambient, looping, music, recording, synthesizer
A short ambient track titled “Last Day of School” is now available for listening. Recorded live to tape in the studio June 2nd 1998, it features me on synthesizer and loops. something slow on a hot afternoon. Meanwhile the search continues for Show#8 of...
Jul 8, 2007 | guitar, music, rock and roll
and still a lot to do, but progress on all fronts. The flagstone pathways are evolving, Show #8 was just recorded Friday for release later this month. Working on music for Show#10 with word that music is on the way for the beginning of the Dozey Lumps period shows...
Jul 1, 2007 | ambient, guitar, looping, lyrics, MP3, music, recording, synthesizer Play in new window | Download Howdy folks. A quick note on a hot day to say that Episode 7 of At-the-Helm is now up for your listening pleasure. This is the second show from the...
Jun 17, 2007 | music, recording
on this Fathers Day 2007. My best to all dads out there and a quick note that there’s a new short piece (minute and a half) up for listening now. The piece is titled “Cooloola”(circa 1988)Â and it comes from the upcoming Episode 8 of At-The-Helm. The...